Top 7 Books To Help With Job Interviews
Are you applying for jobs but not getting the job? Your interview can make or break you landing your next job. Learning the best ways to handle an interview and how to act will help you land your next dream job. Check out our seven books to help with job interviews to help improve your job interviewing skills.
1. Basic Interviewing Skills
Interviewing skills are not simple motor skills. Rather, they involve a high-order combination of observation, empathic sensitivity, and intellectual judgment. This guidebook, available from Waveland Press, provides a process model and a corresponding set of classroom-tested exercises designed to improve basic interviewing skills. The model–called the Skill Learning Cycle–provides an initial, guided experience for the complete interview-learning process, including planning, doing, and analyzing phases. It also stands as a model for the learner to use in the future for continued growth in interviewing skills. In order to focus on the most basic interviewing skills, only the information-gathering function, which is common to all interviews, is discussed.
2. How To Win Friends & Influence People
You can go after the job you want—and get it! You can take the job you have—and improve it! You can take any situation—and make it work for you! Dale Carnegie’s rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. One of the most groundbreaking and timeless bestsellers of all time, “How to Win Friends & Influence People” will teach you:
- Six ways to make people like you
- Twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking
- Nine ways to change people without arousing resentment, and much more!
Achieve your maximum potential—a must-read for the twenty-first century with more than 15 million copies sold!
3. Success in Interviews: How To Succeed in Any Job
Many people are petrified by interviews. They feel that they will fail and even dread preparing for one. The purpose of this book is how to make any person succeed in any interview. This very short book of just 6,653 words provides the reader with an approach based on a set four ‘signposts’, namely Fit, Attitude, Confidence, and Experiences, that should steer every reader to being successful in any interview. The book is aimed mainly at managers or potential managers who need to build their interview skills and techniques. The book concludes by showing how to construct an effective resume. The book should be read in less than one hour.
4. Interview: The Art of the Interview: The Perfect Answers To Every Interview Question
Here’s a quick question: What would you do if your boss ordered you to do something that is against your values?
No, that’s not a trick question because it is actually asked by most interviewers! If you are not sure what the best answer is, then what you can do is find the right guidance.
In this book, you will discover the steps on how to prepare for any interview. But most importantly, you will be able to answer the most commonly asked interview questions. Each chapter will take you deeper into the sea of commonly asked interview questions and provide you with the right strategies as well as concrete sample responses on how to respond to every one of them. The questions range from the most basic, such as
This guide is for anyone who is planning on going to any interview, regardless of whether you are applying for your much-desired position at your dream company or a top MBA program. The purpose of this guide is to help you think for yourself and, at the same time, provide you with insider tips that usually only interviewers know.
So update your resume, polish those black shoes, iron that dress shirt, and start practicing answering all the interview questions you could think of. There is no better time than now to read this book!
5. 60 Seconds and You’re Hired
“60 Seconds & You’re Hired!” has already helped thousands of job seekers get their dream jobs by excelling in crucial interviews. America’s top job search expert Robin Ryan draws on her 20 years as a career counselor, 30 years of direct hiring, and extensive contact with hundreds of recruiters, decision makers, and HR professionals to teach you proven strategies to help you take charge of the interview process and get the job you want. Brief, compact, and packed with insightful direction to give you the cutting edge to slip past the competition, “60 Seconds & You’re Hired!” is here to help you succeed! This newly revised edition features:
- Unique techniques like “The 60 Second Sell” and “The 5-Point Agenda”
- Over 125 answers to tough, tricky interview questions employers often ask
- How to handle structured or behavioral interview questions
- Questions you should always ask, and questions you should never ask
- How to deal effectively with any salary questions to preserve your negotiating power
- 20 interview pitfalls to avoid
- Proven negotiation techniques that secure higher salaries – and much more!
“Robin Ryan has the inside track on how to get hired.” —ABC News
6. Interview Like A Boss
Your resume will be awesome, your answers will rock, and your job offers will be exciting as hell. Whether you dropped out or graduated, you will soon master all aspects of interviewing & job hunting.
Now for the first time, a book will make all the decisions for you. Just read what’s inside, try out the lessons, and you’ll be ready to go. Designed for those who are squeezed for time or need an epic turnaround, this exclusive edition is by far the #1 recommended choice—go ahead, take a peek inside!
Every section is highly interactive, fun and, most of all, designed to give you enormous support, and that’s why Interview Like A Boss® has earned international recognition for its award-winning lessons.
Jam-packed full of immensely researched, specialized tools, Interview Like A Boss® spells out EXACTLY what to say and do at the application, interview, and background check stage, including how to handle a criminal record (felonies or misdemeanors). Featuring never-before-published information, you’ll swing away at interviewing questions, discover hot job leads, negotiate like a pro and crush any obstacles in your way.
7. Interviewing
#1 TOP SELLING Interview Prep Book on Amazon! Discover How to Succeed in Interviewing Like a Pro! NEVER AGAIN Miss Out on Another Job Opportunity! FINALLY Get the Job You Deserve! PLUS + See Extra Bonus Below! PLUS BONUS! – 37 WAYS TO HAVE UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR INTERVIEW!
Here Is A Sneak Peek…(Attn: FREE BONUS INSIDE!)
- How to Master the Phone Interview…
- Question and Answer Phone Interview Scripts…
- Discover How to Master the In-Person Interview…
- Learn How to Interview Your Potential Employer…
- Develop the Top Interview Manners from HR Pro…
- List and FAQ for Questions to Expect…
- List of Questions YOU Should Ask…
- How to Leave the Interview the Correct Way…
- BONUS INCLUDED! 37 Ways to Have Absolute Confidence on Your Interview!
- And Much, Much More!
These seven books are invaluable resources for anyone looking to improve their job interviewing skills. Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned professional, these books provide practical advice, proven strategies, and the confidence you need to excel in your interviews. By investing time in reading and applying the lessons from these books, you’ll be better prepared to handle any interview situation and increase your chances of landing your dream job. Happy reading and good luck with your job search!